As part of the DeKalb County Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) program, the CERM/Gresham Smith Team is providing Construction Management and Construction Inspections for the Department of Watershed Management (DWM). SKYLINE Engineering & Construction, LLC (SKYLINE) as a part of the team, is instrumental in the construction of numerous DWM projects consisting of water line repairs, modification of transmission lines, replacement of mains, chlorinating and flushing of lines, meters, valves, and fire hydrant replacements.
The contract also includes: sewer line repairs and replacement, manhole lining improvements, upgrading of lateral lines to ductile iron pipe, and full-depth street reclamation and repairs. Our team coordinated the construction of greater than twenty-five street upgrades, more than 1,000 feet of 8” ductile iron pipe main, 100’ of 32” transmission line, numerous meters, valves, and fire hydrants, approximately 2,000’ of curb/gutter replacement/improvement, and hundreds of feet of storm drain and sidewalk repairs. SKYLINE is providing:
• Attendance at project planning meetings as the Owner’s representative,
• Service as a point-of-contact, in the field, for the Owner, community constituents, site visitors, regulators, permitting agency inspectors, special inspectors, and utility crews,
• Observation and inspection of the Contractor’s work for Contract Compliance,
• Documentation of the Contractor’s work activities,
• Timely preparation of Daily Reports,
• Clarification of field-related questions or concerns,
• Coordination of technical inspections or testing (i.e., soils, asphalt, concrete, pressure, mandrel, chlorination),
• In-put and interpretation of shop drawings, samples, submittals, schedules, and pay applications,
• Maintenance of the approved drawings, specifications, addenda, written communications, and minutes,
• Collection of the project warranties and guarantee documents from the Contractor,
• Updated (redline) drawings of field changes,
• Recorded and cataloged project progress photographs,
• Observation of site survey layout, grades, and elevations,
• Coordination of Construction Safety orientations and personal
protective equipment usage (i.e., badges, hard hats, and safety vests),
• Verification of Contractor’s permits, bonds, and insurance and,
• Appropriate Close-out Documentation.