The City of Atlanta requested the services of the Stantec Team to provide non-motorized vehicle transportation options for the western portion of Memorial Drive/S.R. 154 from Grant Street to Connolly Street (approximately .26 miles). The area is a highly-developed mixture of commercial and residential developments. The goal is to provide safer travelling conditions for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians; and, to improve pedestrian/cyclist accessibility to transit, local restaurants, residential spaces and schools within the area.
The project consists of American Disability Act (ADA) improvements to ramps, sidewalks, medians/refuge islands, and other safety improvements where feasible. Refuge island and median improvements will be designed to accommodate future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) infrastructure improvements. In addition, the Team will evaluate other opportunities to improve pedestrian and cycle access within the corridor for pedestrian and cyclist mobility. The Team is providing title searches, landscape appraisals, determining relocation costs, right-of-way staking, negotiations for drive entrance and other interest of right of entry, and filing revisions for the City of Atlanta.
SKYLINE’s role is to provide design for hydraulic and erosion, sedimentation and pollution controls, and an MS4 Concept Report per GDOT requirements. The submitted report included site assessment and area reconnaissance, conclusions (project and outfall level exclusion and project level exclusions), and recommendations. SKYLINE concluded the impact to existing versus new impervious, redistribution of buffers acting as BMP (grass filter), and revised footprint of sidewalk.
The SKYLINE Report recommendation concluded that the project qualifies for (PLE) Project Level Exclusion No. 5 for the following reasons:
• The disturbed area, comprising of both construction easement and the constructed area is more than one acre;
• However, there is a reduction in the impervious area that is less than 5000 SF; and,
• Since less than 500 SF, the project qualifies for the Project Level Exclusion

Memorial Drive Corridor Improvement City of Atlanta, Georgia

Client City of Atlanta/Stantec
Contact Mark Sweeney, Stantec
Project Area Approximately .26 Miles
Project Cost $1.3 Million
Fee $78,000
Completion Ongoing


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